Practical Aspects of Compressor Control using the CCC System

This two-day course gives a thorough appreciation of the CCC compressor control system, including practice sessions on tuning and setting up the controllers on a CCC simulator.

2 days
$3,322.00 excl. GST
Howard Thomas, Mark Dixon


Key Topics Covered:

  • Control modes employed
  • Functions implemented
  • Correct operational response to 'safety on'
  • Correct operational response to 'recycle trip'
  • Interface with distributed control systems
  • The importance of DEV (Deviation)
  • What the information from the CCC controllers means

Course Outline Requests

To view the course outline for the practical aspects of compressor control using the CCC system, click the link and enter your email. You will receive a confirmation email with the course outline link attached.

Course Outline

Suitable For:

Instrument technicians, supervisors, operations technicians and engineers.