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Problem Solving & Troubleshooting in Process Operations

This two-day course is designed to teach operations personnel how to effectively troubleshoot problems on process plants. Solving problems quickly and effectively leads to increased productivity and saves money.

Production Process & Emergency Systems on Oil & Gas Installations

This intensive three-day course offers an introduction and comprehensive overview of production, processing and emergency systems on offshore facilities. The general trend is to make offshore processing as simple as possible while ensuring safety of personnel and assets.

Pump Performance Problem Solving

This two day course is designed to provide the tools and knowledge to identify and solve the most common pumping system problems. The fundamentals of both dynamic and positive displacement pumping systems will be covered as well as pump selection and control.

Reliable Operation of Reciprocating Gas Compressors

Reciprocating compressors can be high maintenance and high downtime machines. This intensive two-day course uses dynamic simulation models to give delegates a practical introduction to the reliable operation of reciprocating gas compressors. This course will explore compression principles, reciprocating compressor operation, capacity control, rod loading and rod reversal, valves, reliability, and troubleshooting. Throughout the two days, delegates will learn common reciprocating compressor component failure

Reservoir Engineering & Drilling - A Non Technical Overview

This one-day course is perfect for all non-technical executives, whether involved directly within the oil and gas industry or in a supporting industry. Covering numerous topics from how reservoirs are formed through to the actual production phase, this course will provide all those without a technical background to have a better understanding of both reservoir engineering and drilling.

Subsea Systems

This two-day course is intended to provide a comprehensive study of subsea systems. The coverage will include the design of such systems, the equipment installed and how the system is monitored and controlled from the platform. The course assumes that the participants already have some understanding of petroleum production technology and a basic understanding of process control and safeguarding systems will also be an advantage.

Subsea Systems - A Non Technical Overview

This one-day course offers an overview of the subsea systems within the offshore oil and gas industry and is written and presented in a manner suitable for people of a non-technical background. By providing a better understanding of the subsea section of the industry, it will enable all those working within this section to offer more effective support to their technical colleagues.

The Oil & Gas Industry - A Non Technical Overview

This one-day course offers an overview of the oil and gas industry and is written and presented in a manner suitable for people of a non-technical background.

Understanding Hydrogen for the Energy Transition

One day non-technical course which explains the potential role of hydrogen in replacing and supplementing fossil fuels in the energy transition.

Understanding the Energy Transition Challenge

This three day course will teach participants the relevance of energy transition sources and the types of energy transition.